All Yarn, All the Time

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Something Blue

My husband's favorite employee, Stephanie, is getting married in April. She is also a knitter, and I know she'll appreciate the work I put into this garter for her. Even if she doesn't wear it (I didn't wear one), it was fun to make - it's kind of Victorian looking with the ribbon and creamy color, and she probably has a very sleek and modern wedding dress. :o)

Pattern: free lace garter pattern by Diane Willett
Yarn: some natural colored crochet thread, not sure of the weight, but small
Needles: US size 0000
Ribbon: 1/4 inch Wrights Prestige velvet ribbon, Island Blue color from Joanns.
Modifications: none. Unless you include the fact that this project brought to my attention that (despite my denial) I am getting old and I do actually need reading glasses. I thought I was going to go blind working on this!!

I am going to give it to her at her wedding shower today and I do hope she likes it! Funny story: I asked her when she was babysitting for us a few weeks ago (bless her heart!) if anyone had given her a garter, and she said no, she would love a knit one. Then, I asked Roger if he could have her give him her thigh measurement - and immediately realized that was very inappropriate and sent her an email myself! I guess you had to be there but it was funny, and they still laugh about it.

This is also my final Project Spectrum entry for February/March, unless I get it together to finish that dang blue cabled sweater in the next few days! I finished the main knitting last week, then had to knit the button bands (done!), and sew it together, and now I've just picked up the stitches for the neck band...who knew there would be hours of finishing on this thing?!?!


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