All Yarn, All the Time

Saturday, July 29, 2006

In Which Emily Does a Very Good Thing

Long time no post, but it's High Summer here in Ohio and we have been very busy with Summer Activities. Today, however, I need to break the silence with this important update about the oldest child and her good deed.

Many of you may know that Emily had long hair, but you may not have known that her purpose for growing the hair was to donate it to Locks of Love. She reached her goal length this summer, and today was the day I took her to the salon to have it cut.

The following are before, during and after shots. Hurrah! for Emily and all the other girls and boys and men and women who contribute to this cause. And many thanks to Tim for making her look fabulous. :o)

(I have indeed been busy knitting, and I promise to update about that very soon!)

Monday, July 03, 2006

Broadripple Geisha

I couldn't wait until I finished them both to post a picture of the silliest sock I've made to date: the Broadripple with a geisha toe. I like it, and hope that Her Majesty the Sock Princess approves. And I also hope that I remember what I did so I can make the other one match! I think I could have made the 4-toe section smoother at the top, but I'm OK with it as is. I will post the yarn information etc. when I'm done with the pair.